暖居 Dankyo

2024/ Hut/ Gunma


「暖居」は、篠原一男が設計した名作「谷川さんの住宅」の離れです。現オーナーの遠山正道さんからここでの暮らしを広げていきたいというお話を頂き、構想が始まりました。中心で火を焚くことで身体を温めるための小屋として機能する一方、火を焚かない時にも周囲の自然と繋がり、この土地の変化と心地よさをいつも感じられるものにしたいと考えました。そこで広い敷地の中から固有の豊かな環境を探し出し、母屋(谷川さんの住宅)や風居と同様に、崖に面して建てる計画としました。大きく育った林の中から見つけたその土地は、明るく遠くに山が眺められ、やわらかな木漏れ日がキラキラと地面の上で揺れ動き、葉擦れの音や、谷から上がって来る湿気の取れた涼やかな風がとても心地よく感じられる特別な場所でした。またそこを囲んで 4 本の大きな木が立ち、その太い根が大地を掴むように張り巡らされていました。10㎡ ほどの小さな建築ではあるものの、基礎を打ち土中環境を圧迫すると木が枯れてしまう可能性があったため、木の幹に特注のアンカーボルトを差し込み、建物を 4 本の木に引掛ける構法を採用しています。こうして暖居は地面から 1.5mほど浮かんで建っています。さらに 4 本の木の間から顔を出すように 4 つの窓辺空間をつくり、ふたつの天窓を加えてそれぞれが周囲の多様な環境と繋がる場を目指しました。谷の窓、山の窓、籠りの窓、木漏れ日の窓と呼ばれるそれぞれのポケット空間は、高さを変えながら螺旋状に巻き上がり展開しています。身体寸法から紡ぎ出される尺度(スケール)をもったその小さな空間に入り込むと、まるで自然の中に潜り込み、環境を纏ったかのような居心地のよさが感じられるのではないかと考えました。各々の窓は周囲の環境からそれぞれの形状や開け方が決められ、それが衣服を脱ぎ着して環境を調整していくような軽やかさへと繋がっています。そして薪をくべ、火を焚き、室内の温度を上げていくと、高さの差によって温熱環境に大きな違いが生まれます。窓をわずかに開けて外気や谷からの風をすーっと身体へ流し込むと、得もいわれぬ涼しさが感じられました。こうして、この小さな小屋自身が、まるでこの土地に生きる人間そのものであるような、身体が拡張したような建築となっていくようにと考えています。


Towards an architecture like a person living on this land

"Dankyo" is a detached building of the masterpiece "Tanigawa-san's House" designed by Kazuo Shinohara. The concept began when the current owner, Masamichi Toyama, told me that he wanted to expand the life here. While it functions as a hut to keep the body warm by making a fire in the center, we wanted it to be connected to the surrounding nature even when the fire is not burning, and to always feel the changes and comfort of this land. Therefore, we searched for a unique and rich environment within the large site, and planned to build it facing the cliff, just like the main house (Tanigawa-san's House) and the Fukyo. The land we found in the middle of a large forest was bright, with a view of the mountains in the distance, soft sunlight swaying on the ground, the sound of leaves rustling, and the cool, dry breeze rising from the valley were very comfortable. Four large trees also stood around it, with their thick roots stretching out as if to grasp the earth. Although it is a small building of about 10m2, there was a possibility that the trees would die if the foundation was laid and the underground environment was compressed, so we inserted custom-made anchor bolts into the trunks of the trees and hooked the building to four trees. In this way, the Dankyo is built about 1.5m above the ground. In addition, four window spaces were created to peek out from between the four trees, and two skylights were added, aiming for each to be a place that connects with the diverse surrounding environments. Each pocket space, called the Valley Window, Mountain Window, Enclosure Window, and Sunlight Window, rolls up in a spiral shape and unfolds at different heights. We thought that when you enter this small space, which has a scale spun from the dimensions of your body, you would feel comfortable as if you were immersed in nature and wearing the environment. The shape and opening method of each window are determined by the surrounding environment, which leads to a lightness like adjusting to the environment by taking off and putting on clothes. Then, by adding firewood, making a fire, and raising the temperature inside the house, the difference in height creates a big difference in the thermal environment. Opening the window slightly and letting the outside air and the breeze from the valley flow smoothly over my body, I felt an indescribable coolness. In this way, I hope to make this small hut itself an architecture that feels like an extension of the body, as if it were a human living on this land.

In addition to the "Tanikawa House," which shines so beautifully that it keeps people away, "Dankyo," which is like a human being, and "Fukyo," which is an environment where the wind passes through, there are a total of five buildings on this land: the "Orange Studio" as a residence, and Shuntaro Tanikawa's "Atelier." Each of them has a complementary relationship with the other, and Toyama-san travels between all of them, feeling the richness of this land with his body every day.